How much time would like to spend each month for budgeting your personal finances? Hours? How about 20 minutes. To be a winner, you've got to be as honest as possible on the paper. If you are, you know exactly how your money is coming into and going out of your life, and you will play in a position to complete mastery of this process.
First, dig all the dirt on you. Get all the bank statements, investment statements, bills, receipts, you can find. Everything documents money coming and going. They want to be able to get a monthly average - the more information the better.
Next, list all your various sources of income. In addition to your regular work to document any other sources of income. If your employer has already taxes from your salary, you simply use your net earnings numbers. Add all of these and call them "monthly income".
Next, gather all of your documented expenses. Should be from your past bills, you can come with a reasonable prediction of how much you will pay in bills over the next month. Everything from car loans, mortgage, grocery bills gas bills, insurance, investments, savings - everything you will spend money in this section.
Take advantage of all these costs and divide them into two categories: fixed and variable costs. If a particular account remains pretty much the same from month to month, they call "fixed costs". This would be your mortgage, car loan, cable / satellite bill, and others like them.
You'll find that most things are in this category quite essential, but rarely change in height. Then take all your expenses, the changes on a monthly basis: gas, food, clothing, food. Label them as "variable costs". You'll find that you can be very flexible with the products in this category.
Add up your income. Add up your costs. If you have more income than expenditure, you can in a good starting point. You can use the money left over and do something do with the way of putting it into savings or pay debts.
If you have more expenses than revenue, you need to change any of the categories. You can either increase your income or reduce your costs. Remember, the goal is the same income and expense figures. Is money left over to be sure wasted.Every nickel should be assigned a category for the end.
In any case, the first place that you can easily cut in your variable expenses.These You are not the essence, it is easier to do without a DVD rental than if your e-shutdown.
Finally, every month, go over your budget. When you review your progress every month, you will begin to make progress. These review meetings are much simpler and shorter than the original budget session. You get a chance to see where you successful and where you need a little more work.
Editor Tips
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A new payment reduces the score anywhere from 50-100 points, depending on how high the score is late before the new one. She can not refinance their mortgages, because the house was worth much less than their current mortgage and their credit was so bad that the banks would not accept it anyway. She had been trying for a loan mod and could not get approved.
wtorek, 8 grudnia 2009
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